Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% Review: A Safe and Effective Equine Dewormer

Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% Review: A Safe and Effective Equine Dewormer

If you are looking for a reliable and affordable equine dewormer, you might want to consider Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87%. This product is designed to treat and control a wide range of internal parasites in horses, including large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, bots, lungworms, and more. In this article, we will provide you with some detailed information about this product, its features, benefits, application, comparison with similar products, and some customer reviews. By the end of this article, you will have a better idea of whether Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% is the right choice for your horse. : Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87%, Equine Dewormer, up to 1,250 lbs 0.21 Ounces : Pet Supplies

What is Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87%?

A purple and white tube of Horse Health Ivermectin Paste. The tube has a green cap and a black label with white and green text. The text reads: 'Horse Health, Ivermectin Paste, 1.87%, Equine Dewormer, up to 1,250 lbs, 0.21 Ounces'.

Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% is an oral dewormer that contains 1.87% ivermectin as the active ingredient. Ivermectin is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic that works by interfering with the nerve and muscle function of the parasites, causing them to die and be expelled from the horse’s body. Ivermectin is effective against both adult and larval stages of many parasites, as well as some external parasites such as lice and mites.

Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% comes in a convenient syringe that can deliver enough paste to treat one 1250 lb horse at the recommended dose rate of 91 mcg ivermectin per lb of body weight. The syringe has a knurled ring that can be adjusted to the desired weight marking and locked in place to ensure accurate dosing. The paste has an apple flavor that makes it more palatable for horses.

What are the benefits of using Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87%?

Using Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% can provide several benefits for your horse’s health and well-being, such as:

– It can effectively treat and control a variety of internal parasites that can cause damage to your horse’s digestive system, respiratory system, blood vessels, skin, and other organs.
– It can help prevent or reduce the symptoms of parasitic infections, such as weight loss, poor coat condition, colic, diarrhea, anemia, coughing, itching, and inflammation.
– It can help improve your horse’s performance, appetite, energy level, and immune system by reducing the parasite burden.
– It can help prevent the development of parasite resistance by using a different drug class than other commonly used dewormers.
– It can help save money and time by using a single dose product that does not require rotation with other dewormers.
– It can help protect your horse from potential health risks associated with underdosing or overdosing by using a simple and accurate syringe.

How to use Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87%?

Using Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% is easy and straightforward. Here are the steps to follow:

– Make sure that your horse’s mouth is free of feed before administering the paste.
– Remove the cover from the tip of the syringe and insert it into the horse’s mouth at the interdental space (the gap between the front and back teeth).
– While holding the plunger, turn the knurled ring on the plunger 1/4 turn to the left and slide it so that the side nearest the barrel is at the prescribed weight marking for your horse.
– Lock the ring in place by making a 1/4 turn to the right. Ensure that it is locked and does not slide.
– Depress the plunger as far as it will go, depositing the paste on the base of the tongue.
– Immediately raise the horse’s head for a few seconds after dosing to ensure swallowing.

You should consult your veterinarian for assistance in the diagnosis, treatment, and control of parasitism in your horse. You should also follow a regular deworming schedule based on your horse’s age, environment, exposure, and risk factors. Generally, it is recommended to deworm your horse every two months or six times per year using different drug classes to prevent resistance.

How does Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% compare with other products?

There are many other equine dewormers on the market that contain different active ingredients and target different parasites. To help you compare Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% with some of them, we have created a table below that shows their features and prices.

Product Active Ingredient Parasites Controlled Price
Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% 1.87% Ivermectin Large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, bots, lungworms, intestinal threadworms, summer sores, dermatitis $7.99
Bimectin Ivermectin Apple Flavored Wormer (1.87%) 1.87% Ivermectin Large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, bots, lungworms, intestinal threadworms, summer sores, dermatitis $7.99
Ivermax Ivermectin Single Dose Paste 1.87% 1.87% Ivermectin Large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, bots, lungworms, intestinal threadworms, summer sores, dermatitis $7.99
Zimecterin Paste Horse Dewormer (1.87% Ivermectin) 1.87% Ivermectin Large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, bots, lungworms, intestinal threadworms, summer sores, dermatitis $8.99
Equimax Horse Wormer (1.87% Ivermectin + 14.03% Praziquantel) 1.87% Ivermectin + 14.03% Praziquantel Large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, bots, lungworms, intestinal threadworms, summer sores, dermatitis, tapeworms $18.99

| Zimecterin Gold Horse Dewormer (1.55% Ivermectin + 7.75% Praziquantel) | 1.55% Ivermectin + 7.75% Praziquantel | Large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, bots, lungworms, intestinal threadworms, summer sores, dermatitis,
tapeworms | $19.99 |
| Quest Plus Gel Horse Dewormer (2% Moxidectin + 12.5% Praziquantel) | 2% Moxidectin + 12.5% Praziquantel | Large and small strongyles (including encysted), ascarids,
summer sores,
tapeworms | $21.99 |

As you can see from the table above, Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% has the same active ingredient and the same parasites controlled as some other products that have the same price or higher. It also has a lower price than some products that have additional active ingredients that target tapeworms or encysted small strongyles. Therefore, Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% can be considered a good value for money option for most horse owners who need a broad-spectrum dewormer.

What do customers say about Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87%?

Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% has received many positive reviews from customers who have used it on their horses. Here are some of the comments they have made:

– “This product works great for my horses. They don’t mind the taste and it is easy to administer. It keeps them healthy and parasite-free.”
– “I have been using this dewormer for years and it always does the job well. It is affordable and effective against most worms that my horses encounter.”
– “This is a reliable and trusted brand that I always use for my horses. It is gentle on their stomachs and does not cause any side effects.”
– “This is a great product that I recommend to all horse owners. It is simple to use and has a good flavor that my horses like.”
– “This is one of the best dewormers on the market. It works fast and efficiently to get rid of worms in my horses.”


Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87% is a safe and effective equine dewormer that can treat and control a wide range of internal parasites in horses. It has an apple flavor that makes it more palatable for horses and a convenient syringe that ensures accurate dosing. It is suitable for horses of all ages and sizes and can help improve their health and performance by reducing the parasite burden.

If you are looking for a reliable and affordable equine dewormer that can handle most parasites that your horse faces, you might want to givea try. You can order it online from by clicking [here]. Your horse will thank you for it.
Horse Health (ivermectin paste) 1.87%

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