Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer – 2 Pack: A Review

# Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer – 2 Pack: A Review

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to treat your horse for parasites, you may want to consider Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer. This product is a single dose dewormer and boticide that can eliminate worms and bots in horses of all ages, including pregnant mares and foals. In this article, we will provide you with some information about this product, its features, benefits, application, and comparison with other similar products. We will also share some customer reviews and a link to buy it online.

Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer - 2 Pack : Pet Supplies

What is Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer?

A green and white tube of Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer. The tube is lying on a pile of hay.

Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer is a product that contains ivermectin, a broad-spectrum parasiticide that can kill various types of worms and bots in horses. Ivermectin works by interfering with the nerve and muscle functions of the parasites, causing them to die and be expelled from the horse’s body. The product comes in a syringe that can deliver the paste orally or by stomach tube. The paste has an apple flavor that makes it more palatable for the horse.

What are the features and benefits of Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer?

Some of the features and benefits of Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer are:

– It can treat a wide range of parasites, including large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, stomach worms, lungworms, threadworms, bots, and summer sores.

A brown horse is looking over a green fence with a tube of Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer - 2 Pack : Pet Supplies in front of it.

– It can be used safely on horses of any age and size, including pregnant mares, breeding stallions, young foals, emaciated horses, and miniature breeds.
– It has a low-volume dose that is easy to administer and reduces the risk of overdose.
– It has an apple flavor that most horses like and accept willingly.
– It has a long shelf life and does not require refrigeration.

How to use Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer?

To use Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer, you need to follow these steps:

– Weigh your horse or use a weight tape to estimate its weight accurately.
– Remove the cap from the syringe and adjust the ring to the appropriate weight setting.
– Insert the syringe into the horse’s mouth and deposit the paste on the base of the tongue.
– Raise the horse’s head for a few seconds to ensure swallowing.
– If you have more than one horse to treat, use a new syringe for each horse to prevent cross-contamination.
– Follow your veterinarian’s advice on the frequency and timing of deworming according to your horse’s parasite load and risk factors.

A black horse is standing on its hind legs in a green field. The horse is wearing a halter and has a long, flowing mane and tail. The background is a blue sky with white clouds.

How does Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer compare with other products?

There are many other products that contain ivermectin or other anthelmintics for horse deworming. Here is a table that compares some of them with Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer:

Product Active Ingredient Parasites Treated Flavor Price
Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer Ivermectin Large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, stomach worms, lungworms, threadworms, bots, summer sores Apple $17.99 for 2 pack
Durvet Ivermectin Paste Equine Dewormer Ivermectin Large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, stomach worms, lungworms, threadworms, bots Apple $6.99 for 1 pack
Farnam Ivercare Horse Dewormer Ivermectin Large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, stomach worms, lungworms, threadworms, bots Sure-Grip syringe with apple flavor $9.99 for 1 pack
Bimeda Equimax Horse Wormer Ivermectin + Praziquantel Large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, stomach worms, lungworms, threadworms, bots, tapeworms Apple $49.99 for 3 pack
Merial Zimecterin Gold Dewormer Ivermectin + Praziquantel Large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, hairworms, stomach worms, lungworms, threadworms, bots, tapeworms None $17.99 for 1 pack

As you can see, Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer has a competitive price and a broad spectrum of activity against parasites. However, it does not treat tapeworms, which may require a different product that contains praziquantel. You should consult your veterinarian to determine the best deworming schedule and product for your horse.

What are some customer reviews of Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer?

Here are some customer reviews of Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer from Amazon:

– “I have used this product for years and it works great. My horses love the apple flavor and take it without any fuss. It is easy to use and measure the dose. I recommend it to anyone who needs a reliable dewormer for their horses.”

A photo of a box of Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer. The box is blue and green, with a picture of a horse on the front. The product information is listed on the back of the box.

– “This is a good quality dewormer that does the job. It is cheaper than other brands but still effective. My horses don’t mind the taste and they are healthy and parasite-free. I will buy it again.”
– “I bought this product because it was supposed to have an apple flavor that horses like. However, my horses hated it and spit it out. It was a waste of money and time. I had to buy another product that they would accept. I don’t recommend this product.”


Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer is a product that can help you keep your horse free of worms and bots. It is safe, effective, easy to use, and has an apple flavor that most horses enjoy. However, it does not treat tapeworms, which may require a different product. You should always consult your veterinarian before deworming your horse and follow their advice on the best schedule and product for your horse’s needs.

If you are interested in buying Ivermax Apple Flavored Ivermectin Equine Paste Dewormer, you can click here to order it online from Amazon.

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