API AQUARIUM SALT: A Review and Guide for Freshwater Aquariums

API AQUARIUM SALT: A Review and Guide

If you are a freshwater aquarium owner, you might have heard of aquarium salt and wondered what it is, how to use it, and whether it is beneficial for your fish. Aquarium salt is a type of salt that is specially formulated for freshwater aquariums. It is not the same as table salt or sea salt, which may contain additives or minerals that are harmful to freshwater fish. Aquarium salt is made from evaporated sea water and contains natural active ingredients that can improve the health and vitality of your fish.

Amazon.com : API AQUARIUM SALT Freshwater Aquarium Salt 67-Ounce Box : Aquarium Water Changers : Pet Supplies

In this article, we will review one of the most popular and trusted brands of aquarium salt: API AQUARIUM SALT. We will also provide you with a guide on how to use it properly, what benefits it can offer, what precautions you should take, and how it compares to other similar products on the market. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of aquarium salt and whether it is suitable for your aquarium.

A white box of API Aquarium Salt. The box has a blue label with the API logo, the product name, and a picture of a fish.

What is API AQUARIUM SALT and what does it do?

API AQUARIUM SALT is a freshwater aquarium salt that is made from evaporated sea water. It is designed to provide essential electrolytes to your fish, which are necessary for their gill function, oxygen uptake, and stress reduction. Electrolytes are minerals that carry electrical charges and help regulate the water balance and pH levels in your fish’s body. They may be lost during water changes or due to poor water quality, and need to be replenished regularly.

API AQUARIUM SALT can also help prevent and treat various diseases and parasites that may affect your fish. For example, it can help with nitrite poisoning, which is a condition where the nitrite levels in your water are too high and interfere with your fish’s blood oxygen transport. It can also help with fungal infections, bacterial infections, external parasites, fin rot, ich, and velvet disease. It does so by creating a less favorable environment for the pathogens and by boosting your fish’s immune system and natural slime coat.


A woman is holding her hand in an aquarium with gravel while pouring water from a plastic bottle. The API AQUARIUM SALT Freshwater Aquarium Salt 67-Ounce Box is shown in the bottom left corner of the image.

API AQUARIUM SALT can be used in two ways: as a preventive measure or as a treatment. As a preventive measure, you can add a small amount of aquarium salt to your aquarium water every time you perform a water change. This will help maintain the electrolyte balance and prevent disease outbreaks. As a treatment, you can add a higher amount of aquarium salt to your aquarium water or to a separate quarantine tank where you isolate your sick fish. This will help cure the existing disease and speed up the healing process.

The dosage of aquarium salt depends on the size of your aquarium, the type of fish you have, and the purpose of using it. API AQUARIUM SALT provides the following general guidelines:

– For preventive use, add one rounded tablespoon (15 ml) for every 5 gallons (19 liters) of water, or 1/2 rounded teaspoon (2.5 ml) for every gallon (3.8 liters) of water.
– For treatment use, add one rounded tablespoon (15 ml) for every 5 gallons (19 liters) of water, or 1/2 rounded teaspoon (2.5 ml) for every gallon (3.8 liters) of water. Repeat this dosage every 24 hours for 14 days, or until the symptoms disappear.

However, these are only approximate dosages and you should always check the specific requirements of your fish species before using aquarium salt. Some fish are more tolerant of salt than others, and some may be sensitive or allergic to it. For example, livebearers (such as guppies, mollies, and platies) and goldfish can tolerate higher levels of salt, while scaleless fish (such as loaches, catfish, and eels) and some plants may be harmed by it. You should also monitor the water parameters and the fish’s behavior during the use of aquarium salt and adjust the dosage accordingly.

To use aquarium salt, you should first dissolve it in a small amount of warm water before adding it to your aquarium. This will prevent the salt from clumping or burning your fish. You should also add it gradually and evenly to avoid sudden changes in salinity and pH. You can use a measuring spoon, a cup, or a scale to measure the amount of salt you need. You should also use a test kit to measure the salinity and pH of your water before and after adding the salt.

What are the benefits of API AQUARIUM SALT?

API AQUARIUM SALT can offer several benefits for your freshwater aquarium, such as:

A large pile of evaporated sea salt sits on the edge of a body of water.

– Improving gill function and oxygen uptake
– Reducing stress and enhancing coloration
– Providing essential electrolytes and minerals
– Preventing and treating diseases and parasites
– Improving water quality and biological filtration

What are the precautions of API AQUARIUM SALT?

API AQUARIUM SALT is generally safe and effective for most freshwater fish, but there are some precautions you should take, such as:

– Do not use table salt or sea salt, which may contain harmful additives or minerals
– Do not use aquarium salt in saltwater or brackish water aquariums, which have different salinity requirements

A box of API Aquarium Salt, which is a water conditioner for freshwater aquariums. The box is blue and white and has a picture of two goldfish on the front. The product helps to improve gill function in fish, making it easier for them to breathe.

– Do not use aquarium salt with fish or plants that are sensitive or allergic to salt
– Do not overdose or underdose aquarium salt, which may cause adverse effects
– Do not use aquarium salt with other medications or chemicals, which may cause interactions or conflicts
– Do not use aquarium salt for prolonged periods, which may cause salt buildup or toxicity

How does API AQUARIUM SALT compare to other similar products?

There are many other brands and types of aquarium salt available on the market, but not all of them are equally effective or suitable for your aquarium. Here is a comparison table of some of the most popular and trusted products, including API AQUARIUM SALT:

Product Price Size Ingredients Benefits Drawbacks
API AQUARIUM SALT $11.98 67 oz Evaporated sea salt Provides electrolytes, improves gill function, reduces stress, prevents and treats diseases May harm some fish or plants, may cause salt buildup or toxicity if overdosed or used for too long
Seachem Aquarium Salt $9.99 70 oz Sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium carbonate Provides electrolytes, improves gill function, reduces stress, prevents and treats diseases, buffers pH May harm some fish or plants, may cause salt buildup or toxicity if overdosed or used for too long
Instant Ocean Aquarium Salt $16.99 50 lbs Evaporated sea salt, trace elements Provides electrolytes, improves gill function, reduces stress, prevents and treats diseases, mimics natural seawater May harm some fish or plants, may cause salt buildup or toxicity if overdosed or used for too long, intended for saltwater aquariums
Jungle Aquarium Salt $5.99 16 oz Sodium chloride Provides electrolytes, improves gill function, reduces stress, prevents and treats diseases May harm some fish or plants, may cause salt buildup or toxicity if overdosed or used for too long, lacks other minerals
Tetra Aquarium Salt $4.99 33 oz Sodium chloride Provides electrolytes, improves gill function, reduces stress, prevents and treats diseases May harm some fish or plants, may cause salt buildup or toxicity if overdosed or used for too long, lacks other minerals

As you can see, API AQUARIUM SALT is one of the best options for freshwater aquariums, as it offers a balanced and natural formula that can benefit your fish without causing too much harm. However, you should always do your own research and consult your fish’s specific needs before choosing any product.

What are some customer reviews of API AQUARIUM SALT?

API AQUARIUM SALT has received many positive reviews from customers who have used it for their freshwater aquariums. Here are some of the most representative ones:

– “I have been using this product for years and it works great. It helps keep my fish healthy and prevents diseases. I use it every time I do a water change and whenever I notice any signs of illness. It dissolves easily and does not cloud the water. I highly recommend it for any freshwater aquarium owner.”
– “This aquarium salt saved my betta’s life. He had a severe case of fin rot and nothing else worked. I added this salt to his tank and within a few days I saw improvement. His fins started to grow back and he became more active and colorful. I am so glad I found this product and I will continue to use it as a preventive measure.”
– “This is a must-have for any freshwater aquarium. It helps with the water quality and the fish’s health. It also helps with the cycling process and the biological filtration. I have noticed that my fish are more lively and vibrant since I started using this salt. It is easy to use and lasts a long time. I highly recommend it.”


Aquarium salt is a useful and beneficial product for freshwater aquariums, as it can provide essential electrolytes, improve gill function, reduce stress, prevent and treat diseases, and improve water quality. However, it should be used with caution and moderation, as it may harm
some fish or plants, cause salt buildup or toxicity, or interfere with other medications or chemicals. Therefore, it is important to use aquarium salt wisely and follow the instructions and recommendations of the product and your fish species.

API AQUARIUM SALT is one of the best brands of aquarium salt on the market, as it offers a natural and balanced formula that can benefit your fish without causing too much harm. It is easy to use, affordable, and effective. It and have seen improvement in their fish’s health and vitality.

If you are interested in buying API AQUARIUM SALT, you can click on this link to purchase it from Amazon. It is currently available for $11.98 for a 67-ounce box, which can treat up to 200 gallons of water. You can also choose from other sizes and quantities according to your needs.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about aquarium salt and API AQUARIUM SALT in particular. Aquarium salt can be a great addition to your freshwater aquarium, as long as you use it properly and responsibly. It can help you keep your fish healthy, happy, and colorful. Thank you for reading and happy fishkeeping!

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