How to Choose and Use the Best Aquarium Water Clarifier

API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle Review

If you are looking for a product that can quickly and effectively clear up cloudy water in your freshwater aquarium, you may want to consider API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle. This product is designed to clump together tiny floating particles that cause water to look hazy, and make them easier to be removed by your aquarium filter. In this article, we will provide you with more information about this product, including its features, benefits, application, and comparison with similar products. We will also share some customer reviews and a purchase link for your convenience. : API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle : Aquariums : Pet Supplies


A close-up image of a small orange fish with black and white fins swimming in an aquarium with cloudy water.

API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle has the following features:

– It contains one 8-ounce bottle of water clarifier that can treat up to 2,360 gallons of water.
– It works fast and maximizes filter efficiency by clumping together floating particles into large clusters that can be easily removed by an aquarium filter.
– It clears cloudy aquarium water and eliminates haze to make water crystal clear.
– It is safe for use with all freshwater fish and plants.
– It can be used weekly and whenever cloudy water is observed in freshwater aquariums only.

A close-up image of a bottle of API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier. The bottle is blue and white and has a picture of a fish on it. The cap is blue and the bottle is half-full of liquid.


Using API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle can provide you with the following benefits:

– It can improve the appearance and health of your aquarium by making the water clear and clean.
– It can enhance the visibility and enjoyment of your fish and plants by allowing more light to penetrate the water.
– It can reduce the stress and disease risk for your fish by providing them with a better environment.
– It can save you time and money by reducing the need for frequent water changes and filter maintenance.


To use API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle, you need to follow these steps:

– Shake well before using.
– Add 1 ml per 10 gallons of aquarium water. For larger aquariums, add 5 ml per 50 gallons of water. Do not overdose.

A bottle of API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier. The bottle is blue and white and has a picture of a fish tank on it. The cap is blue and white.

– Wait for the water to clear before adding more product if needed. The cloudiness may increase before it clears.
– Use API AQUARIUM SALT, API STRESS COAT, API STRESS ZYME, or API TAP WATER CONDITIONER when changing or adding water to reduce fish stress and improve water quality.


There are many other products that claim to clarify cloudy water in aquariums, but how do they compare with API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle? Here is a table that shows some of the similarities and differences among some popular products:

Product Size Price Ingredients Safe for Plants Safe for Saltwater
API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle 8 oz $9.29 Polymers Yes No
Aqueon Water Clarifier 8 oz $6.99 Polymers Yes No
Tetra WaterClarifier 8.45 oz $6.99 Polymers Yes No
Algone Aquarium Water Clarifier 6 pouches $14.99 Nitrate remover, trace elements Yes Yes
Seachem Clarity 8.5 oz $10.99 Proprietary formula Yes Yes

As you can see, API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle is similar to other products in terms of size, price, and ingredients. However, it differs from some products in terms of safety for saltwater aquariums. If you have a freshwater aquarium only, then API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle is a good choice for you. If you have a saltwater aquarium or a mixed one, then you may want to consider other products that are safe for both types of water.

Customer Reviews

A bottle of API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier. The bottle is blue and white and has a picture of three angelfish on it. The bottle is 8 ounces.

Here are some customer reviews from that show the pros and cons of API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle:


– “This is an absolute miracle worker for my fish tank! I was struggling with cloudy and hazy water, which made it challenging to enjoy the beauty of my aquarium. However, after adding this product as directed, I was amazed at how quickly and effectively it cleared up my tank. The water became crystal clear within hours, and the difference was astonishing.” – Chris
– “The water in my turtle’s tank is usually a bit on the cloudy side and sometimes very cloudy. I have a mofo of a filter so this always surprises and bugs me. Someone recommended using API AlgaeFix, which I used twice over three days and each time it just got more cloudy to the point where it was almost zero visibility. I meant to order more AlgaeFix, thinking maybe it needed a few more does, but I ordered this by mistake. I was going to return it but thought, Oh, what the heck. Dosed the tank last night before bed and woke up to crystal clear, beautiful water!” – Linda A.
– “We have pretty gross city water apparently and our 10 gallon tank never looked nice and clean, even after replacing water and cleaning constantly. I thought I would give this a try before throwing in the towel, and man am I amazed! I put in 1 ml and within 30 minutes I could see things in the tank that were barely visible before. After 2 days, I thought it still looked the least but cloudy so I put like 1/2 ml to see if it could it totally clear, and it worked so well I am completely shocked!” – Twin Mom 329


– “This did not do a thing. I am having trouble getting my water clear again. I think it may be my filters. I changed my whole house filter system, hoping that will clear it up. It has been so clear for several years then it just got cloudy. I have been using the API goldfish aquarium cleaner for years and it worked.” – rating accu-clear water cleaner
– “I used this product as directed and it did nothing to clear up my cloudy water. It actually made it worse. It also caused my fish to act weird and some of them died. I don’t know what’s in this stuff but it’s not good for fish or plants.” – J.D.
– “This product did not work for me at all. It made my water even cloudier and left a white residue on everything. It also clogged up my filter and made it stop working. I had to do a complete water change and clean everything thoroughly to get rid of the mess. I would not recommend this product to anyone.” – K.M.

Purchase Link

If you are interested in buying API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle, you can click on the link below to order it from

[Buy API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle]

We hope this article has provided you with useful information about API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier 8-Ounce Bottle and helped you decide whether it is suitable for your aquarium needs. Thank you for reading and happy fishkeeping!

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