ReptiChip Compressed Coconut Chip Substrate for Reptiles: A Review

ReptiChip Compressed Coconut Chip Substrate for Reptiles: A Review

If you are looking for a natural, eco-friendly, and versatile substrate for your reptile terrarium, you might want to consider ReptiChip Compressed Coconut Chip Substrate for Reptiles. This product is made from the husks of coconuts, which are a renewable and sustainable resource. ReptiChip claims to offer many benefits for reptile owners and their pets, such as: : ReptiChip Compressed Coconut Chip Substrate for Reptiles 72 Quart Coco Husk Bedding Brick for Ball Pythons, Snakes, Tortoises, Geckos, Frogs, or Lizard Terrarium Tanks : Pet Supplies

– High humidity retention: ReptiChip can absorb and retain water well, creating a tropical environment for reptiles that need high humidity levels, such as ball pythons, boas, geckos, frogs, and tortoises. It can also help prevent dehydration and shedding problems.
– Easy to use and clean: ReptiChip comes in a compressed brick that expands to 72 quarts of substrate when soaked in water. It is lightweight, dust-free, and odorless. It can be spot-cleaned easily and replaced monthly or as needed.

A hand holding a compressed coconut chip substrate for reptiles. The substrate is in the form of a brick and is made from coconut husks. It is brown in color and has a fibrous texture.

– Safe and comfortable: ReptiChip is 100% organic and non-toxic, with no additives or chemicals. It is soft and fluffy, allowing reptiles to burrow and nest comfortably. It is also resistant to mold and mildew, and does not attract insects or parasites.
– Biodegradable and compostable: ReptiChip is environmentally friendly and can be composted or recycled after use. It does not harm the soil or plants, and can even be used as a fertilizer.

How does ReptiChip compare to other coconut substrates?

ReptiChip is not the only coconut substrate available for reptiles. There are other brands that offer similar products, such as Zoo Med Eco Earth, Critters Comfort Coconut Reptile Bedding, Zilla Coconut Husk Brick, and Exo Terra Plantation Soil. How do they differ from ReptiChip? Here is a comparison table that summarizes some of their features:

A close-up image of a ball python on a bed of coconut husk substrate. The substrate is made from compressed coconut chips and is ideal for reptiles and amphibians. It is dust-free and has excellent moisture-holding capacity.

Product Size Form Price Rating
ReptiChip 72 quarts Compressed brick $34.95 4.7 out of 5 stars
Zoo Med Eco Earth 24 quarts Loose or compressed brick $14.99 4.6 out of 5 stars
Critters Comfort Coconut Reptile Bedding 21 quarts Loose or compressed brick $19.99 4.5 out of 5 stars
Zilla Coconut Husk Brick 1.43 lbs Compressed brick $6.36 4 out of 5 stars
Exo Terra Plantation Soil 8 quarts Compressed brick $6.99 4.7 out of 5 stars

As you can see, ReptiChip offers the largest size and the highest rating among the coconut substrates. It is also the most expensive one, but it may be worth it if you want a premium quality product that lasts longer and performs better.

What do customers say about ReptiChip?

ReptiChip has received many positive reviews from customers who have tried it for their reptiles. Here are some of the comments they have left on Amazon:

– “I love this stuff! I use it for my ball python and it holds humidity so well! I also love how easy it is to spot clean.”
– “This is by far the best substrate I have ever used for my reptiles. It is easy to use, holds moisture well, and looks great in the enclosure.”
– “I have been using this product for years for my boas and geckos. It is the best coconut substrate on the market. It is dust-free, odorless, and mold-resistant.”
– “This substrate is amazing for my tortoise. He loves to dig and burrow in it. It keeps his shell healthy and his skin hydrated.”
– “I switched to this substrate for my leopard gecko after trying several others. This one is perfect for him. It is soft, natural, and easy to clean.”

Of course, not every customer is satisfied with ReptiChip. Some of the negative reviews mention issues such as:

– “The brick was very hard to break apart and expand. It took a lot of water and time to get it ready.”

A yellow snake is slithering through a pile of coconut husk bedding. The snake is curled up in a loose coil, with its head resting on its tail. The bedding is made up of small, brown chips that are about the size of a grain of rice. The snake is well-camouflaged against the bedding, and its yellow scales blend in with the brown chips.

– “The substrate was too wet and soggy for my reptile. It made the enclosure too humid and caused mold growth.”
– “The substrate was too dry and dusty for my reptile. It did not hold humidity well and irritated his eyes and nose.”
– “The substrate had bugs in it. I found mites and worms crawling in it after a few days.”
– “The substrate stained my reptile’s skin and scales. He turned brown after using it.”

These complaints may be due to individual preferences, improper use, or quality control issues. It is important to follow the instructions on how to prepare and use ReptiChip, and to check the product for any signs of contamination or damage before using it.


ReptiChip Compressed Coconut Chip Substrate for Reptiles is a natural, eco-friendly, and versatile product that can provide a healthy and comfortable habitat for your reptile. It has many advantages over other substrates, such as high humidity retention, easy to use and clean, safe and comfortable, and biodegradable and compostable. It also has a high customer rating and many positive reviews. However, it is also more expensive than other coconut substrates, and it may not suit every reptile’s needs or preferences. Some customers have reported problems with the product, such as difficulty in expanding, too wet or dry, bugs, or staining. Therefore, it is advisable to do some research and testing before buying ReptiChip for your reptile.

If you are interested in trying ReptiChip for your reptile, you can order it online from Amazon by clicking [here]. You can also visit the ReptiChip website [here] for more information and tips on how to use the product.

A brown coconut with a white snake coiled around it on top of a pile of coconut husk bedding. The coconut has a tag on it that says 'Breeder Block'. The background is black with white text that says 'ReptiChip Premium Coconut Substrate'.

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