Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding: A Review

If you are looking for a bedding product that can keep your small animal’s cage fresh and clean, you might want to consider Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding. This bedding is specially designed to neutralize odors and absorb liquids, making it ideal for guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, and chinchillas. In this article, we will review the features, benefits, and drawbacks of this product, as well as compare it with some similar products on the market. We will also share some customer reviews and provide a link to purchase it online.

Amazon.com : Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding For Pet Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Hamsters, Gerbils, and Chinchillas, 40 Liter : Pet Supplies

Features of Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding

A bag of Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding. The bedding is made of recycled paper and is designed to absorb odors and keep your pet's cage clean and dry. The bag is 40 liters in size.

Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding is made from paper fibers that are 99.9% dust-free and safe for small pets. The bedding has a soft and cozy texture that encourages burrowing and nesting behaviors. The bedding also has the following features:

– 14-day odor control guarantee: Kaytee claims that this bedding can eliminate odors for up to 14 days or your money back. The bedding contains natural ingredients that neutralize ammonia and other unpleasant smells.
– 6x liquid absorption: The bedding can absorb up to six times its weight in liquid, making it easy to clean up spills and messes. The bedding also helps keep your pet dry and comfortable.
– Expands to 3x its size: The bedding comes in a compressed package that expands to three times its size when opened. This means you get more bedding for your money and less waste.
– Available in different sizes and colors: The bedding comes in four sizes: 24.6 liters, 40 liters, 65 liters, and 85 liters. You can also choose from different colors: white, lavender, natural, or taupe.

A pile of blue and white shredded paper bedding for small animals.

Benefits of Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding

Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding has many benefits for both you and your pet. Some of the benefits are:

– Improves hygiene and health: By reducing odors and moisture, the bedding helps prevent bacterial growth and infections that can harm your pet’s health. The bedding also reduces the risk of respiratory problems caused by dust and allergens.
– Enhances comfort and happiness: The bedding provides a soft and cozy surface for your pet to sleep and play on. The bedding also stimulates your pet’s natural instincts to burrow and nest, which can improve their mental well-being.
– Saves time and money: The bedding lasts longer than other types of bedding, which means you don’t have to change it as often. The bedding also reduces the amount of waste you have to dispose of, which can save you money on trash bags and disposal fees.

Drawbacks of Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding

Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding is not perfect, however. It also has some drawbacks that you should be aware of before buying it. Some of the drawbacks are:

– Not suitable for chewing pets: Some pets, such as rats and mice, may chew on the bedding and ingest it, which can cause digestive problems or blockages. If your pet is prone to chewing, you may want to look for a different type of bedding that is more digestible or non-edible.
– Not very eco-friendly: Although the bedding is made from paper fibers, it is not biodegradable or compostable. This means it will end up in landfills or incinerators after use, which can contribute to environmental pollution.
– Not very attractive: Some customers may not like the appearance of the bedding, especially the colored ones. The bedding may look dull or artificial compared to natural materials such as wood shavings or hay.

A bag of Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding for small animals. The bag is blue and white and has a picture of a guinea pig on it. The bedding is made of recycled paper and is 99.9% dust free.

Comparison with Similar Products

To help you decide if Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding is right for you, we have compared it with three other popular bedding products on the market: Carefresh Complete Pet Bedding, Small Pet Select Natural Paper Bedding, and Vitakraft Fresh World Ultra Strength Crumble Bedding. Here is a table that summarizes their main features:

Product Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding Carefresh Complete Pet Bedding Small Pet Select Natural Paper Bedding Vitakraft Fresh World Ultra Strength Crumble Bedding
Material Paper fibers Paper fibers Paper fibers Paper fibers
Dust-free 99.9% 99% 99% 99.5%
Odor control 14 days 10 days No guarantee 14 days
Liquid absorption 6x weight 3x weight No data No data
Expansion 3x size 2x size No data No data
Size options 24.6L, 40L, 65L, 85L 12.5L, 23L, 50L, 60L 56L, 178L 10L, 21L, 42L
Color options White, lavender, natural, taupe White, blue, confetti, gray, natural White Gray

As you can see, Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding has some advantages over the other products, such as longer odor control, higher liquid absorption, and more size options. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as being less eco-friendly and less attractive. Ultimately, the best bedding for your pet depends on your personal preference and your pet’s needs.

Customer Reviews of Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding

To give you a better idea of what other customers think of Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding, we have selected some representative reviews from Amazon. Here are some positive reviews:

– “I have two guinea pigs and this bedding is amazing! It really does control the odor and it’s super soft. My piggies love it and so do I. It’s easy to clean and lasts a long time. I highly recommend it.”

A blue and red circle with the text '14 Day Odor Control' inside.

– “This is the best bedding I have ever used for my hamster. It is very absorbent and does not smell at all. It is also very fluffy and cozy for him to burrow in. He seems very happy with it and so am I.”
– “I use this bedding for my rabbit and it works great. It is very soft and comfortable for her and it does not irritate her skin or eyes. It also keeps her cage fresh and clean for a long time. It is worth the price.”

Here are some negative reviews:

– “I bought this bedding for my rats and they hated it. They started sneezing and scratching a lot after I put it in their cage. They also chewed on it and made a mess everywhere. I had to throw it away and switch to a different bedding.”
– “This bedding is not very good for odor control. It smells bad after a few days and I have to change it more often than other beddings. It also does not expand as much as it claims. It is a waste of money.”
– “This bedding is too dusty for my chinchilla. It makes him cough and wheeze every time he goes near it. It also sticks to his fur and makes him look dirty. I do not recommend this bedding for chinchillas or other sensitive animals.”


Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding is a bedding product that can provide comfort, hygiene, and freshness for your small animal’s cage. It has many features that make it stand out from other beddings, such as long-lasting odor control, high liquid absorption, and soft texture. However, it also has some drawbacks that may not suit your pet’s needs or preferences, such as being non-biodegradable, non-digestible, and non-attractive.

If you are interested in buying Kaytee Extreme Odor Control Bedding, you can find it online at [Amazon] or [Chewy]. You can also check out other bedding products from Kaytee or other brands to find the best one for your pet. We hope this article has helped you make an informed decision and given you some useful information about pet bedding products. Thank you for reading!

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