GloFish Aquarium Gravel Review: A Colorful and Vibrant Choice for Your Fish Tank

GloFish Aquarium Gravel Review: A Colorful and Vibrant Choice for Your Fish Tank

If you are looking for a way to add some color and flair to your fish tank, you might want to consider the GloFish Aquarium Gravel. This gravel is specially designed to complement the GloFish, which are genetically modified fish that glow under blue LED lights. The gravel comes in various colors and sizes, and has fluorescent accents that stand out under the blue lighting. In this article, we will review the features, benefits, and drawbacks of the GloFish Aquarium Gravel, and compare it with some similar products on the market. We will also provide some tips on how to use and maintain the gravel, and share some customer reviews from Amazon. By the end of this article, you will have a better idea of whether the GloFish Aquarium Gravel is the right choice for your fish tank. : GloFish Aquarium Gravel, Fish Tank Gravel, Black With Fluorescent Accents, Compliments GloFish Tanks, 5 lb Bag : Aquarium Decor Rocks : Pet Supplies

Features of the GloFish Aquarium Gravel

A pile of black aquarium gravel with flecks of neon pink, blue, green, and orange.

The GloFish Aquarium Gravel has the following features:

– It is made from high-quality materials that are safe for your fish and plants, and do not alter the water chemistry or pH.
– It comes in a 5-pound bag that can cover a 5-gallon tank. You can also mix and match different colors and sizes to create your own custom look.
– It has fluorescent accents that glow under blue LED lights, creating a stunning and eye-catching effect. The gravel also looks great under white daytime lights.
– It is easy to use and maintain. You just need to rinse the gravel before using it, and vacuum it regularly to remove any debris or waste.

A black aquarium gravel with fluorescent accents that compliments GloFish tanks.

Benefits of the GloFish Aquarium Gravel

The GloFish Aquarium Gravel offers the following benefits:

– It enhances the appearance of your fish tank, making it more colorful and vibrant. It also creates a contrast with the GloFish, making them more visible and attractive.
– It provides a substrate for your plants and ornaments, helping them stay in place and grow healthily. It also creates hiding places for your fish, making them feel more comfortable and secure.
– It stimulates your fish’s natural behavior, encouraging them to explore, dig, and forage. It also reduces stress and boredom, improving their well-being and longevity.
– It adds fun and excitement to your aquarium experience, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of your fish and plants in different lighting conditions.

Drawbacks of the GloFish Aquarium Gravel

The GloFish Aquarium Gravel has some drawbacks that you should be aware of:

– It may require more rinsing than regular gravel, as it may have some dust or debris that can cloud the water. You should rinse the gravel thoroughly before using it, and avoid using soap or detergents.
– It may not be suitable for some types of fish or plants that prefer a different substrate or pH level. You should check the compatibility of your fish and plants with the gravel before using it.
– It may lose some of its color or glow over time, especially if exposed to direct sunlight or harsh chemicals. You should avoid placing your tank near windows or using bleach or chlorine to clean it.

A young girl kneels down to watch the GloFish in her GloFish aquarium. The GloFish are brightly colored and the gravel at the bottom of the tank is fluorescent. The tank is lit up by a blue light.

Comparison with Similar Products

The table below compares the GloFish Aquarium Gravel with three similar products on the market: Spectrastone Shallow Creek Regular, Carib Sea ACS00832 Peace River Gravel, and Pure Water Pebbles Aquarium Gravel.

Product Price Color Size Fluorescent Rating
GloFish Aquarium Gravel $5.68 Black with fluorescent accents 3-5 mm Yes 4.6 out of 5 stars
Spectrastone Shallow Creek Regular $11.99 Natural brown 3-5 mm No 4.6 out of 5 stars
Carib Sea ACS00832 Peace River Gravel $15.99 Natural tan 1-2 mm No 4.7 out of 5 stars
Pure Water Pebbles Aquarium Gravel $10.99 Jet black 3-5 mm No 4.6 out of 5 stars

As you can see from the table, the GloFish Aquarium Gravel is the cheapest option among the four products, and the only one that has fluorescent accents that glow under blue LED lights. The other products are more natural-looking and have smaller sizes, which may be preferred by some fish or plants. The ratings are similar for all four products, indicating that they are all well-received by customers.

Tips on How to Use and Maintain the GloFish Aquarium Gravel

Here are some tips on how to use and maintain the GloFish Aquarium Gravel:

A pile of black aquarium gravel with flecks of bright neon pink, green, blue, and orange. The gravel is shown in a close-up view, and the individual pieces of gravel are clearly visible. The gravel is packaged in a 5-pound bag.

– Before using the gravel, rinse it thoroughly in a colander over a bucket until the water runs clear. Do not use soap or detergents, as they can harm your fish and plants.
– To create a colorful base for your tank, use one pound of gravel per gallon of water. You can also mix different colors and sizes of gravel to create your own custom look.
– To add some accents to your tank, use the gravel as a top layer over regular gravel or sand. You can also create patterns or designs with the gravel, such as stripes, circles, or letters.
– To make the gravel glow, use a blue LED light that is compatible with your tank size and shape. You can also use a cycle light that changes colors to create different effects.
– To keep the gravel clean and healthy, vacuum it regularly with a gravel siphon to remove any debris or waste. You can also rinse the gravel occasionally if it becomes dirty or dull.

Customer Reviews from Amazon

Here are some customer reviews from Amazon that reflect the pros and cons of the GloFish Aquarium Gravel:

– “I love this gravel! It looks amazing in my 10 gallon GloFish tank. The colors are bright and vibrant, and they really pop under the blue LED light. The gravel is easy to rinse and use, and it does not cloud the water. My fish seem happy and healthy with it. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who wants to add some color and fun to their aquarium.” – Angela
– “This gravel is decent, but not very different from what you would buy at the pet store. The fluorescent accents are not very noticeable, and they fade over time. The gravel is also quite dusty, and it requires a lot of rinsing before using it. I wish it was more colorful and glowing, as I expected from the product description. It’s not bad, but not great either.” – Mike
– “This gravel is terrible for my fish tank. It altered the pH level of the water, making it too acidic for my fish and plants. It also caused algae growth and bacterial infections in my tank. I had to remove it and replace it with regular gravel, and do a lot of water changes to restore the balance. This gravel is not worth the trouble or the money.” – Sam


The GloFish Aquarium Gravel is a colorful and vibrant choice for your fish tank, especially if you have GloFish that glow under blue LED lights. The gravel has fluorescent accents that create a stunning effect in your aquarium, and it is easy to use and maintain. However, the gravel may not be suitable for some types of fish or plants that prefer a different substrate or pH level, and it may lose some of its color or glow over time. Therefore, you should check the compatibility of your fish and plants with the gravel before using it, and avoid exposing it to direct sunlight or harsh chemicals.

If you are interested in buying the GloFish Aquarium Gravel, you can click on this link to purchase it from Amazon. You can also browse other colors and sizes of the gravel, as well as other GloFish products such as aquarium kits, lighting, décor, food, and water care. We hope this article has helped you decide whether the GloFish Aquarium Gravel is the right choice for your fish tank. Thank you for reading!

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