Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension Review: A Safe and Effective Dewormer for Pets

Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension Review: A Safe and Effective Dewormer for Pets

Amazon.com : Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension, 50mg / mL, 16 Ounce : Pet Supplies

If you are looking for a dewormer for your pet, you may have come across Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension, a liquid medication that can treat intestinal parasites such as roundworms and hookworms. But what is this product, how does it work, and what are its benefits and drawbacks? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with some useful information to help you decide if Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension is the right choice for your pet.

What is Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension?

A box of Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension. The box is white with red and blue accents. The front of the box has a large image of a dog and a cat, as well as the product name, active ingredients, and purpose. The back of the box has the drug facts, directions for use, warnings, and other information.

Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension is a brand name of pyrantel pamoate, a common anthelmintic or dewormer that is used to treat infections caused by certain types of worms in humans and animals. Pyrantel pamoate works by paralyzing the worms, which are then expelled from the body in the feces. Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension is available in a 16-ounce bottle and contains 50 mg of pyrantel base per mL of suspension.

How to use Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension?

Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension can be given to dogs, cats, horses, and other animals by mouth with or without food. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal and the type of infection. For dogs and cats, the recommended dosage is 2.5 mg of pyrantel base per pound of body weight. For horses, the recommended dosage is 3 mg of pyrantel base per pound of body weight. The medication should be shaken well before use and measured carefully using a syringe or a dosing cup. It is not necessary to use a laxative with this medication.

Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension can be used to treat roundworms (Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina) and hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum and Uncinaria stenocephala) in dogs and cats, and large strongyles (Strongylus vulgaris, S. edentatus, S. equinus), small strongyles (Cyathostomum spp., Cylicocyclus spp., Cylicostephanus spp., Cylicodontophorus spp.), pinworms (Oxyuris equi), and ascarids (Parascaris equorum) in horses . Depending on the type of infection, the medication may need to be repeated in 2 to 4 weeks to ensure complete elimination of the parasites.

What are the benefits of Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension?

Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension has several benefits as a dewormer for pets, such as:

– It is effective against common intestinal parasites that can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, poor coat condition, and abdominal pain in pets.
– It is safe for young animals and pregnant or nursing animals when used according to the label directions.
– It has a palatable taste that most pets will accept willingly.
– It is easy to administer as a liquid suspension that can be mixed with food or water.
– It is affordable and widely available without a prescription.

What are the drawbacks of Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension?

Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension also has some drawbacks as a dewormer for pets, such as:

– It does not treat all types of worms or parasites that may infect pets, such as tapeworms, whipworms, heartworms, or coccidia. Therefore, it is important to consult with your veterinarian before using this product and to have your pet tested for other parasites regularly.
– It may cause some side effects in some pets, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, loss of appetite, or allergic reactions. These side effects are usually mild and transient, but if they persist or worsen, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.
– It may interact with some other medications or supplements that your pet may be taking, such as levamisole, morantel, piperazine, or organophosphates. Therefore, you should inform your veterinarian of any other products that your pet is using before giving this medication.

How does Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension compare with other dewormers?

There are many other dewormers available for pets that may have different ingredients, formulations, indications, dosages, or prices. Here is a table that compares Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension with some other popular dewormers for pets:

Product Active Ingredient Formulation Indications Dosage Price
large and small strongyles, pinworms, and ascarids in horses 2.5 mg/lb for dogs and cats; 3 mg/lb for horses $25.60 for 16 oz
Panacur C Canine Dewormer Fenbendazole Granules Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and some tapeworms in dogs 50 mg/kg for 3 consecutive days $19.99 for 12 g
Bayer Tapeworm Dewormer Tablets for Cats Praziquantel Tablets Tapeworms in cats 23 mg per cat or 11.5 mg per 5 lbs of body weight as a single dose $14.98 for 3 tablets
Durvet Safeguard Goat Dewormer Fenbendazole Liquid suspension Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and some tapeworms in goats; also used off-label for dogs and cats 2.3 mg/lb for goats; 50 mg/kg for dogs and cats for 3 consecutive days (off-label) $33.99 for 125 mL
Nemex-2 Liquid Dewormer for Dogs Pyrantel pamoate Liquid suspension Roundworms and hookworms in dogs and puppies 1 tsp per 10 lbs of body weight as a single dose or as directed by veterinarian $24.99 for 60 mL

What are some customer reviews of Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension?

Here are some representative customer reviews of Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension from Amazon.com:

– “I bought this product to treat my dog who had hookworms. I followed the dosage instructions and gave it to him twice, two weeks apart. He had no adverse reactions and his stool test came back negative after the treatment. I am very satisfied with this product and would recommend it to anyone who needs a dewormer for their pet.”
– “This product did not work for my cat who had roundworms. I gave her the correct dose and repeated it after two weeks, but she still had worms in her feces. I had to take her to the vet and get a prescription dewormer that worked much better. I wasted my money on this product and would not buy it again.”
– “I used this product to deworm my horse who had a mild case of strongyles. I gave him the recommended dose and he tolerated it well. He did not show any signs of discomfort or colic. His fecal egg count dropped significantly after the treatment. I think this product is effective and easy to use.”
– “This product is great for deworming multiple pets at once. I have two dogs and three cats who all had worms. I bought this product because it was cheaper than buying individual dewormers for each pet. I measured the doses carefully and mixed them with their food or water. They all took the medication without any fuss or side effects. Their worms were gone after the treatment and they are much healthier now.”


Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension is a dewormer that can treat intestinal parasites such as roundworms and hookworms in dogs, cats, horses, and other animals. It is safe, effective, palatable, easy to administer, and affordable. However, it does not treat all types of worms or parasites that may infect pets, such as tapeworms, whipworms, heartworms, or coccidia. Therefore, it is important to consult with your veterinarian before using this product and to have your pet tested for other parasites regularly. It may also cause some side effects or interactions in some pets, so you should monitor your pet closely after giving this medication.

If you are interested in buying Apexa Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension for your pet, you can order it online from Amazon.com by clicking [here]. You can also read more customer reviews and ratings on the product page. Remember to follow the label directions carefully and to contact your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns about using this product.

We hope this article has been helpful and informative for you. Thank you for reading!

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